Tuesday, November 16

the lancers

a few of the loyalist lancer boys. sports profile on rakeem reynolds, and the others, just for fun!

it's never too late

with daniel rossen around, it's never too late for cliche teenage lovesongs! so, as many of you may, or may not, know about me by now, one of my favourite (if not my favourite) musical act is a wonderous band by the name of grizzly bear. like many other bands, grizzly bear's front man daniel rossen has his own solo act - but with the usual grizzly bear musical flare. i was listening to some online radio when i found myself singing along with this particular song. when i went back to check what it was, i realized i have never actaully listened to this song before. so why was i able to sing along?

premonitions of cheesy pop songs and a quick lyric check led me straight to the tween pop sensation (atleast at the time) jojo, and a typically heartbreak stricken and mundane song titled "too little too late".

as for why rossen decided to cover jojo, i havn't the slightest idea, but i am sure as hell glad he did.

Saturday, November 13

Friday, November 12

hot monkey, hot ass.

is this too trashy to be up on here? i hope not. haha, atleast the band has a great name!

un peu d'art

i have random bits of my art lying around everywhere. time to archive + display. chinese ink on wallpaper

Tuesday, November 9

stars in her eyes

so, my navy blue and gray tie-dye leggings kind of inspired me tonight while plugging away in the lonely school computer lab. expect a series.

actually, it kind of reminds me of this as well.


Monday, November 8

long live great-grandfathers!

my great grandfather: johnny cree, 97.

Thursday, November 4

Wednesday, November 3

montreal waters

bridge over montreal waters. a beautiful hazy but sunny day.

Tuesday, November 2

yum, brownies!

my great grandfather is organizing his house and we're going through everything. Now, for you to understand, this man is 97 years old. so that is basically 97 years worth of junk collected. now add on two wives, and you've got a buttload more! but although most may be junk, there are so many hidden treasures! i could also sit for hours in that house, going through things.. including 2 garbage bags full of old photographs. There are so many beautiful photos of unidentified people and places, lost and forgotten. some of the more beautiful ones I plan to take home and scan so they can be given a home, on the internet! and so they can bring joy to others once again.

speaking of bringing joy to others once again, i have collected a few fantastic items from the house.

one being a darling 1950's Kodak Brownie; an old 8mm video-camera complete with a little leather case. it is still in working condition and kodak still produces 8mm film that you can order online. when i get some time (moreso spare change) i plan to buy some and test this lil guy out!

but if that never happens, at least watch this beautiful music video made with old super 8mm footage found from a nikon camera that washed up on shore. perfect footage for the lovely song by the DBags.