Monday, March 11

that dude.

diamond rings - runaway love
5 seconds - twin shadow


a few songs i'm jamming to lately...

Sunday, March 3

the little white dress

it seems that people are getting married or engaged left right and centre! so maybe this will be a post of interest to some gals [and guys!] out there.

 i was browsing the web and came across this sweet little website for 'vintage' dresses called for her and for him. although not real vintage, the dresses are actually hand sewn from scratch once ordered, and are available in a nice variety of vintage style dresses as well as more contemporary. now it's primarily for wedding wear [with a small everyday wear section], however there are so many cute dresses that it would be great for cocktail parties or other more formal events! or just for those days when you feel like putting on a pretty dress! also, when available in whites, i think a lot of them would make sweet little wedding dresses as well!

what's really cool is that the dresses are done in a pretty timely manor and seem to be ultimately customizable: colours, hemlines etc, AND for a fantastic price...all are less than $200.


here are a few that i would dress not only my bridesmaids in, but myself too!

Sunday, January 6

black betty

on a black, navy blue and leather high lately...well, like always i suppose. these shall be arriving on my doorstep in no time!


band of skulls - death by diamond & pearls

Tuesday, January 1