Friday, January 13

viva mexico

in light of my impending trip to mexico [less than two weeks], an array of things i am looking forward to.

i had decided to go to mexico many, many months ago to visit my dear friend aldo, and see a mexico different from my brief trip to cancun in 2007.  But not until tonight - and after hours of sitting on google maps seeing what looked cool from satellite range - has the excitement and reality of it kicked in! this is the longest i've been sitting around in halifax [since september] and my itchy feet are rearing to go. viva mexico!

& a little musical accompaniment:

a cool mexican experimental-electronic-rock band - KINKY "masacre sonica"

1940's group trio los panchos "triunfamos"

los socios del ritmo: "hoja seca" [mexican baby makin music of the 70's one could only assume.]

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