Sunday, January 30

at a point of love, a slice of poetry

these beautifully crafted necklaces from comfort station in london hold pages of laser cut antique poetry books, the metal that hangs around them is engraved with the longitute and latitude of a town called love, in the bahamas.. how utterly romantic!

the shop also has a variety of other delicate and intricate jewelry using interesting snippets of things including barometers, hourglasses, and tiny globes.

senegal fast food

i've really always loved a huge selection of african music,from french, spanish, portuguese or creole influenced.. but recently re-discovered amadou and mariam of mali.

although their newer albums are absolutely lovely, i love the traditional influenced older albums.  this one is one of my favourites, and it's just so much fun!

Thursday, January 27

a love story

it has been a while.. i need to get back into the swing of posting on both blogs.
recently got netflix, there is a surprising selection of really great movies anything from anime to bollywood , to silver screen classics and indie movies. tons ive never heard of before.
anyways i recently watched a great movie called wristcutters: a love story, a satirical or dry humoured love story about two people who meet in the after life. the place is no different than the real life they escaped, infact its a bit worse. it's bland, no smiling is possible, however, interesting small miracles do occur.  the movie also stars one of my favourite actresses shannyn sossamon.
a great movie, with an interesting soundtrack and odd selection in cast but they seem to mesh together perfectly.
if you want a quietly hilarious and quirky movie to watch, one that you're able to read into, or choose not to at all..then i highly suggest you watch this movie.