Tuesday, May 31

trouser socks & tree trunks

ow i've been slacking terribly with this blog! on the bright side, my photography blog is thriving, with sometimes as many as two posts a day! but i miss being able to post about whatever i feel at the time! so, i'm going to try and get back into it, with a few posts a week, at least.

we shall start the day up with a few photos of a lovely picnic-ey day in the old royal hunting grounds on malta. they are extremely beautiful grounds, one of the only places on malta where i have actually seen what most canadians would consider "trees". throughout the grounds there are old ruins and forgotten orchards. [i think i had posted some of the photos of the ruins from last summer in the same gardens somewhere.. i'll have to find them & link them!]

and to carry on with the sun, gardens and forest theme, here's one of my all time favourite videos.

Sigur Rós - Gobbledigook from Sigur Rós on Vimeo.