Saturday, May 8

picnic on colour

i have been taking pictures here and there around halifax and south shore.

although its been primarily deary and wet.. every once in a while we get a beautiful day! but no matter what the weather, there always seems to be incredible colours around halifax!

and although the days can be drab, the colour brings a bit of happiness to my heart!

my first week or so in one, colourfully wrapped, partially photojournalistically, sun-shiny nutshell!

lovely spring bloomshalifax waterfront while waiting for sv silva
halifax bengal lancers' lindsay k. takes 'joey' out for a stroll and a tasty grassy treat!
filming of jason eisener's first feature film, "hobo with a shotgun", late night on gottigen st., halifax
outside bengal lancers
argyle st, the popular downtown haligonian street gets a new debut after the final stages of demolition of the chronicle herald building take place. helloooo pipa! and helloooo the cutest, loveliest downtown haligonian strip i ever did see!
local haligonian artists display their work anywhere possible, giving a face lift to a derelict downtown door. (my favourite door in halifax!)

amanda white takes 'inga' out for a treat!
the shores of lunenburg golf course looking extra green against a beautiful blue sky!
nick tabone taking a break on deck after our lovely picnic!

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