Tuesday, July 6

the thinking process

dont you love human thought processes..

really they are quite insane when you really think about it. I started this when I was younger but sometimes now, when i think of it (ha) i will try to remember what made me think about a certain thing, and what made me think of that certain thing, and what lead me to that, and so one and so forth!

i just had quite the thought-process connection stream going earlier which eventually led me to this:

if i ever a have a clothing label, i have decided i will name it make/shift


as i have posted before, this blog is like a little keepsake box. so it holds exactly that, little ideas, memories and things that pop into my head. i feel as though i have been at times more of a slave to this blog than having it and using it for my own convenience...

so expect change! not a lot, but more-so in the way of length of posts and content! i am assuming it will be full of randomness and bits and pieces here and there as my head is full of strange and wonderful things.


  1. it's fittingly well, your take on life, personality and style directly reflects on the quality of the pictures you capture. they all say something about you. keep up the great work!

  2. ohhhhhhhh anonymity.. sometimes i hate you.

    but thankyou, anonymous! for your lovely comment. i am glad you think so!
