Thursday, April 12

south of the border

i just haven't had the time to make a few posts. and i felt as though i was recently posting much too much on just books and music [although that's all i've really had time for!]. and now that i've taken so much time to post i have too many ideas for posts! ah!

anyways, in the midst of trying to get ready for my big move to malta in well, just about 10 days now, i took a quick jaunt down to toronto, then mexico city. the trip came and went in a flash. a day in toronto, the next morning to mexico city for three days, then back for a night in toronto. this easter weekend was filled with good food and good company [but minimal chocolate! :( but i suppose it was in exchange for a few beautiful faces... faces that i won't be seeing for a very long time.]

i wanted to make a quick post about my honest to goodness growing love for mexico. every time i go i fall more and more in love.  i have been blessed to travel so much [thanks to poppa's airline tickets] and recently discovered i have official been to 26 countries but not always do they leave such an impact. 

mexico is a country full of culture and strong passion. i am also blessed to have been able to travel parts of it with a native. visiting a country is always better when you're with someone from there, especially when its one currently in the limelight for well..not being the best for tourists, hell, not being the best for it's own people at times! but i'm lucky and did not come across any problems in my two recent visits.

but i'm here to mention mexico's beauty, not its flaws. it's such a colourful country, rich in history and spirit. it's bright, loud, colourful, noisy, cheerful, cramped, lackluster, musical, dirty, serene, ruthless, breathtaking, bizarre, vast, warmblooded and utterly staggering! its every and any adjective you could possibly think of and its antonym. as soon as i got home i whipped out my laptop and started to write! i started to write about a particular experience i had floating down some canals in brightly coloured boats in the south of mexico city.

i was and am extremely inspired. mexico has conjured up all sorts of ideas in my head.

anyways...i'm sorry frank sinatra, i just don't think you can compete with this rendition..

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