Friday, June 17

sunrise swimming

i had such an amazing night that i feel the need to write about it so i can look back and remember it again and again and again. it was the wrap party for art show [when in rome] and there was a gathering with the 16 international artists and their friends and supporters on the island. the night started off as any other night with drinks [and some dancing!] at a bar [coach & horses], then at another. we started talking about night swims and decided hey, why not. warm maltese summer nights allow for midnight swims whenever one feels the need.

we headed to the shore in the dead of night. stripped. jumped. swam. floated while gazing at the stars.

we all clambered out in an assortment of soggy undergarments and laid our wet bodies on the rocks.

but the night was still young and we decided to head now to a danceclub for the final hours of the night. wet hair became dry hair as we danced the night away to horrible cheesy pop music. as the dance floor cleared and the sky became lighter it was our cue for another swim. a sunrise swim.

the water was milky orange and there was a lone fishing boat silhouette on the horizon. still early enough that the hussle and bussle of the maltese bay was not yet. it was one of the most serene and wonderful moments i've experience here in malta. and the perfect way to end one's long night out. i wished i had a camera, but deep down i am glad i didn't as it would have taken away from absorbing everything around me.

though, i have found a photo of the maltese bay which is quite similar to what i was experiencing.

i love this island.

a bit of musical accompaniment or what would have been a good theme song for my night. breathing out - kurt vile, of philadelphia

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